Our Network

Fibre Optic Network Technology

We have deployed fiber optic network at all our edge locations to support next gen fiber optic technology to provide blasting ultra internet speeds.
What is Fiber optic network?
Fiber optics is the technology used by internet services such as Fiber to home internet to transmit information as pulses of light through strands of fiber made of glass or plastic over long distances.

How does Fiber optic  network work?

Fiber-optic cables transmit data via fast-traveling pulses of light. Another layer of glass, called “cladding,” is wrapped around the central fiber and causes light to repeatedly bounce off the walls of the cable rather than leak out at the edges, enabling the single to go farther without attenuation.
Is fiber optic better than Wi-Fi?
Considering the difference in speed between both networks, fiber optic cables provide faster data transmission than wireless networks. While wireless networks can become slower during busy times, fiber optic connections remain strong, even during peak hours

Broadband Vs Fiber

Parameters Fiber Broadband Fiber Leased Line
Customer Connectivity Connection shared with other users Dedicated connection between client premises and service provider
Upload and Download Asymmetric – higher for downloads than for uploads Symmetric – same for downloads and uploads
Performance Average Higher than broadband
Speed Speed on ADSL up to 8 Mbps and ADSL+ up to 24 Mbps Speed up to multiples of 10 Mbps
QoS Average Higher than that of broadband
Video and Voice Traffic Not an ideal choice for traffic with such bandwidth Smoothly working option for video and voice-based applications
Cost Cheaper than a leased line Costlier than broadband
Security Low, because the connection is shared by multiple users High, because the connection is dedicated to a particular client